
If you have lost multiple teeth our dentists may recommend dentures to replace your teeth and restore your smile. Both complete and partial dentures are available, and Dr. Harsh Patel or Dr. Thuy Vu will evaluate your mouth and discuss your oral health and treatment options with you to find the right type of dentures for your needs. Contact Next Care Dental today at 713-952-0522 or text our team at 832-350-8776 to make your appointment and learn more about dentures in Houston, Texas.

Dentures are a type of removable oral appliance used to replace missing teeth. They consist of prosthetic teeth set into a plastic or acrylic base, and work to restore the function and appearance of your smile. Dentures also support your facial volume to improve your overall appearance. There are two main types of dentures, complete and partial dentures.

Complete Dentures

Complete dentures, also known as full dentures, are prosthetic dental devices designed to replace all the teeth in your mouth. Crafted from acrylic or other durable materials, they restore both function and aesthetics for individuals with no natural teeth. These custom-made appliances rest on the gums and are held in place by suction, adhesive creams or dental implants. Complete dentures offer improved chewing, speech and facial support, enhancing quality of life for those who have lost their natural teeth due to aging, disease or injury. Regular maintenance and adjustments ensure comfort and effectiveness, allowing wearers to smile with confidence.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are removable dental appliances designed to replace one or more missing teeth within the same arch. Crafted from a blend of acrylic and metal materials, these prosthetics restore both function and aesthetics. They are anchored using clasps that grip onto existing teeth, providing stability. Partial dentures offer a cost-effective solution to gaps, aiding in chewing and speech and preventing neighboring teeth from shifting. Patients need to maintain meticulous oral hygiene and attend regular dental checkups for adjustments. Despite their advantages, some may find comfort and fit issues, and implant-supported alternatives are becoming popular for a more secure and permanent option.

Call or visit us today to schedule a consultation with our dentists and learn if dentures are the right option for you!