
Dental implants are considered the ideal option for replacing missing teeth, as they replace both the roots and the crowns of the teeth. Here at Next Care Dental, we collaborate with trusted specialists to ensure your implant is placed properly before providing you with a dental implant restoration to complete your treatment. We invite you to contact us at 713-952-0522 or send us a text at 832-350-8776 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Harsh Patel or Dr. Thuy Vu and learn more about dental implant restorations in Houston, Texas.

What are Dental Implant Restorations?

Dental implant restorations offer durable and secure solutions for replacing single or multiple missing teeth, and even entire sets of teeth! The process involves the placement of a titanium screw, known as a dental implant post, into the jawbone at the precise location of the absent tooth. This post effectively takes on the role of the missing tooth’s root, providing stability for the ensuing dental restoration. Our dentists will refer this placement procedure to a trusted specialist to ensure you receive optimal care.

After a healing period, you will return to meet with our experienced dentists again, and we will proceed with attaching the dental implant restoration — a replacement tooth that fits onto the implant post. The specific type of restoration — be it a dental crown, dental bridge or a partial or complete denture — depends on the number and location of missing teeth, as well as your individual dental requirements. Each implant restoration is custom-crafted to harmoniously blend with your natural smile, ensuring both comfort and aesthetics.

The replacement of a missing tooth is more than just a cosmetic improvement. It can substantially enhance oral health, function and visual appeal. A dental implant mimics the appearance, performance and tactile sensation of a natural tooth, and with proper maintenance, it can endure a lifetime. If you are seeking to explore the advantages of implant dentistry and wish to set up an implant consultation, reach out to us by phone or visit our office at your earliest convenience. Your journey to a revitalized smile awaits!

FAQ about Dental Implant Restorations

Why should I consider dental implant restoration at Next Care Dental?

Dental implant restorations at Next Care Dental are the best choice for replacing missing teeth. They are stable, long-lasting, and look natural, plus they replace the tooth’s root to keep your jawbone and face shape healthy. With skilled dentists like Dr. Harsh Patel and Dr. Thuy Vu, choosing Next Care Dental means you’re choosing excellent care for a restored smile and dental health.

What makes dental implants a better option compared to other tooth replacement methods?

Dental implants are different from dentures or bridges because they replace the tooth’s root. This helps keep your jawbone healthy and keeps your face shape intact. They give you a stable base for your new tooth, letting you eat, talk, and smile without worry. Designed to last a lifetime, implants are a smart, long-term choice for filling in missing teeth.

What is the process of getting a dental implant restoration?

The journey starts with a visit to Next Care Dental, where our dentists assess your situation and work with expert specialists to place the implant. Once the implant is firmly attached to your jawbone, you come back to us for the next step. Here, we attach a specially-made crown, bridge, or denture to the implant. This customized process guarantees a perfect match with your existing teeth, improving both how they work and how they look.

How long does the dental implant restoration process take?

The time it takes for a dental implant process depends on your personal healing speed and how complex your case is. Generally, there’s a waiting period after placing the implant for it to bond with your jawbone. After it’s healed, we can attach the custom-made tooth. The Next Care Dental team will give you a specific timeline for your case.

Is the dental implant restoration process painful?

At Next Care Dental, patient comfort and care are our top priorities. The implant placement and restoration procedures are performed with the utmost precision and care, often under local anesthesia or sedation options to ensure a comfortable experience. Any post-procedure discomfort is generally minimal and manageable with over-the-counter pain medication.

How can I schedule an appointment for a dental implant restoration consultation at Next Care Dental?

Scheduling your consultation at Next Care Dental is easy. Simply call us at 713-952-0522 or text 832-350-8776 to arrange your visit with Dr. Harsh Patel or Dr. Thuy Vu. You can also stop by our office in Houston, TX, for a more personal inquiry. We’re here to guide you through every step of your journey towards a restored smile.