
Do you play a sport or participate in other recreational athletic activities? Our experienced dentists recommend that you wear a sports mouth guard to protect your smile. To find out more about sports mouth guards in Houston, Texas, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Harsh Patel or Dr. Thuy Vu, contact Next Care Dental at 713-952-0522 or send us a text at 832-350-8776.

Our dentists and team are committed to maintaining your oral health and ensuring your comfort. As part of this commitment, we offer sports mouth guards to help prevent injury during athletic activities. Also known as athletic mouth guards, these protective devices are crafted to shield your teeth during physical activity, safeguarding your smile from potential injuries and allowing you to play with greater confidence.

Sports guards are indispensable for high-impact sports, and are often a required piece of equipment for sports such as wrestling, football, hockey and rugby. They may also be beneficial if you play soccer, basketball or baseball. Our dentists may also recommend a mouth guard if you participate in an individual athletic activity, such as mountain biking or rock climbing.

While you can buy an athletic mouth guard at most sporting goods stores, the most effective and comfortable appliances are the sports guards created by our dentists. These custom-made guards are tailored to fit perfectly in your mouth, giving you a more comfortable experience as well as better protection against injuries, such as chipped or dislodged teeth or cuts to your soft oral tissues.

If you have any questions about sports mouth guards and how this appliance can help you play it safe, give us a call today!